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Version: current

Get Meeting Report

This API gets the details of the meeting. The info contains the information about when users joined or left the meeting

Query Parameters
    jiomeetId string required

    The 10 digit unique ID of the meeting

    Example: 3419081647
    roomPIN string required

    Meeting secret that secures the meeting from unwanted access

    Example: yM7EY
Header Parameters
    Content-Type string

    The content type should be application/json

    Example: application/json
    Authorization string required

    You need an app created on the JioMeet Platform and using the app credentials you can create a JWT to access this API. The JWT should have an issuer and the key "app" with the app id generated from the Plaform.

    Example: <Authentication_token_signed_using_secret_or_private_key>


    totalCount number

    The total number of results

    moreAvailable boolean

    A boolean for pagination which returns if more results are available after this

    messages array

    The list of chat messages
